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cleft lip | cleft lip surgery | cleft lip repair | cleft lip causes | cleft lip scar | cleft lip and palate

cleft lip

Cleft lip

Cleft lip, is a congenital disorder and is a split or opening in the roof of the mouth, and results in incomplete forming of upper lip. Different parts of the upper lip form during sixth months of pregnancy and upper lip is forming. Lack improvement of this process is called cleft lip.
Those children who have this disorder, should perform surgery during their infancy. This surgery included: primary repair of lip, jaw bone graft, pharyngoplasty and orthognathic surgery of the maxilla and mandible.
What causes a cleft lip?
Cleft lip occurs during early stages of formation and baby growth in embryonic stage. In this period, some parts of upper lip don’t get proper form and lead to a congenital disorder that known as cleft lip.
Revision surgery of cleft lip is a surgery that is used to correct abnormal form of the lip, main aim of this surgery is to reconstruct and correct appearance of the lip.

cleft lip
Cleft lip surgery
Cleft lip can be in one or both side. In this surgery, incisions are created to close separated parts to unify the lip, and it’s better to perform on 3 months of a baby.
During surgery, an abturator or blocker is put inside a baby’s mouth and helps to keep curvature of the lip and your baby’s feeding. There are various ways to perform surgery and remove harelip problem in children.
Needed recommendations after cleft lip surgery
– Using a syringe to feed your baby
After surgery, taping is used to reduce pressure of the incisions and scars and also prevents manipulation of scars. So, using antibiotics such as gentamicin is recommended.


Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


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