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Facelift | Face lift surgery

As aging, signs of aging will be appeared on your face. Signs such as creases and sagging on the face. Most women doesn’t like to look old, so they want to perform surgeries to look youthful. Performing facelift, removes the symptoms of aging on your face.

This article, provides enough information about the procedure, after take cares of performing facelift.

During aging, and with effects of stress or exposing to sunlight, your skin lose its flexibility and the creases and sagging appears.

Facelift, is a surgical procedure which is done to improve the sagging skin, and rejuvenate your face.

The symptoms of aging can appear at the 40 th, such as:

  • Deep creases at the corner of the mouth
  • Sagging in the middle of the face
  • Deep creases below the eyelids

Dr. Nadafkermani helps you to remove these problems by performing facelift.

Facelift means to face and neck rejuvenation. Facelift has some benefits, as following:

  • Face improvement
  • Skin lift
  • Jaw lift
  • Lifting the fat of cheek
  • Smoothing the fat at the corner of the mouth
  • Neck improvement
  • Removing the droopy skin of the neck
  • Removing the fat in neck and chin
  • Improving the plump lines on the neck due to loosen muscles


The best candidate are those who have:

  • Signs of aging on their face and neck
  • Excessive fat on their neck
  • Lost over weighting

Considerations during the procedure:

Facelift is one of the most important part of face rejuvenation. Mostly, believe that this surgery can lift the brow, but it’s wrong, brow has a separated surgery.

Eyelid lift, also has a separated surgery. Combination of face rejuvenation consists of:

  1. Face lift
  2. Endoscopic brow lift
  3. Upper and lower blepharoplasty

During the consultation, Dr. Nadaf informs you about suitable procedures.

Facelift has durability about 7-10 years. The following factors can reduce the durability:

  • Exposing to sunlight
  • Smoking
  • Considerable changes in weight
  • Genetics

In each surgery, scars will be remained. But, Dr. Nadaf creates minimum incisions.

The incisions in facelift

  • Prolongs up to the temple.
  • Moves along the ear and goes forward the back of ear.
  • Small incision is created to reach the fat and muscles of neck.
  • These scars hide, due to combination with lines

With incision recovery, most women doesn’t care about the scars.

Recovery after the surgery

  • It’s better for patient to stay at hospital 1 night. Dr. Nadaf visits them the next day.
  • Doing activities such as watching TV, studying or cooking.
  • Using some pillows to put your head up, which reduces the swelling.
  • The pain is so low. Dr. Nadaf prescribe the drugs to reduce the pain.
  • The swelling lasts for 1-2 week.
  • The patients can back their work, 10-14 days after the surgery.
  • Avoid doing heavy exercises 4-6 weeks after the surgery.

Dr. Nadaf informs you about all complications and risks during the surgery.


Facelift, removes the aging symptoms and the creases on your face. And is a procedure of face and neck rejuvenation. Facelift results in more youth feeling and self-confidence. After improving the incisions, the creases will be removed, so the patients should wait about the result of the surgery.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani:

Phone number: 22134934- 22134997

Instagram: drnadafkermani

Telegram: drnadaf