Male breast enlargement also known as genicomastia that caused by changes in estrogen hormones. This a temporary period in men. Over weighting is a factor of gynecomastia. Most men have enlarged breast due to the fat aggregations on their breast tissue, which is called lipomastia.
Those who have this problem avoid to wear some clothes.
Gynecomastia is a plastic surgery that return the male breast to its normal form.
Gynecomastia procedure
Gynecomastia improves form of the male breast by removing the tissues of the breast. Stages arew as following:
– Removing gland tissue of the breast (gynecomastia)
– Removing fat tissues of the breast (lipomastia)
– Removing excess skin
– Lifting or smalling the nipples
During consultation, Dr. Naddaf assesses you and then determines the best procedure.
Who are the best candidates of gynecomastia?
• Men who have enlarged breast due to the growing gland tissues or fat aggregation, are the best candidates.
• Men who have excess tissue under the nipple
• Men who have excess fat or tissue on the breast, without excess skin
• Men who have high fat tissue plus excess skin and fallen breast
It should be noted that, improving enlarged breast or removing the excess tissue of the breast means removing the tissue of the breast. Unfortunately, surgeons removes too amount of the breast tissue. So, patients will have a bad surgery. But Dr. Nadaf care about your physical anatomy to prevent such problems. Some patients with special diseases or those who use some drugs, may have enlarged breast.
Such as other surgeries, this surgery remains scar and incisions. Dr. Nadaf create incisions in areas that are not visible. Reason of the problem and enlarged breast should be considered.
The excess fat of breast is removed by liposuction surgery, but gland tissues is treated by removing the glands and creating incisions along the nipple, and excess skin should remove.
Gynecomastia recovery
Patients should:
- Rest at home and do light activities such as watching TV, studying or cooking.
- Use prescribed drugs, 5-7 days after the surgery, if having pain.
- Avoid to do heavy activities 4-6 weeks after the surgery.
Patients can return back their work 1-2 weeks after gynecomastia. 1 week after surgery, Dr. Nadaf visits you and removes the sutures. Swelling is also removed 1-3 weeks after the surgery.
Problem of enlarged breast in male, treats by gynecomastia. This surgery has risks such as bleeding, infection or scars. But surgeons should minimize such risks.
Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:
Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821- 22134934
Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821-26459573