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Blepharoplasty | Blepharoplasty Surgery

As aging, your face and appearance change. You look old with droopy or baggy eyelids. Most women want to look younger, so want to remove their problem and perform the eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty.

This article aims to consider the symptoms of aging in eyelids, suitable time for performing the surgery, before and after take cares.


Sagging around the eyes cause to look older. Blepharoplasty, is a procedure which removes the aging symptom of upper and lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty of upper eyelids is easier than the lower eyelids, so the surgeon should be skillful and have enough knowledge.  Dr. Nadaf helps you in decision making.

A plastic surgery, Dr. Nadaf, removes your droopy eyelid problems.

Symptoms of aging in upper eyelids

  • Upper eyelids have smooth, tense and monotonic skin
  • No skin be hanged
  • The skin should be smooth, without sagging

Indications of aging in upper eyelids

  • Excessive skin
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Sad, tired or anxious eyes
  • Sagging in eyelids skin
  • No eyes makeup in women
  • Excessive skin can reduce the side vision
  • Fallen/ flagging fat
  • Losing the fat and look older

Upper eyelids blepharoplasty, removes the aging symptoms of upper eyelids.

Symptoms of aging in lower eyelids

  • Smooth appearance
  • Having no fat
  • Tense and tight skin

Indications of aging in lower eyelids

  • Baggy lower eyelids
  • Baggy fat
  • Dry skin of lower eyelid
  • Changes due to losing flexibility, aging and exposing to sunlight
  • Increased dark eyelet
  • Dark eyelet due to deep pigment in lower eyelid


Blepharoplasty procedure

Blepharoplasty helps to remove the symptoms of aging in upper and lower eyelids. And is done to:

  • Remove the fat mass of upper and lower eyelids
  • Remove the excessive skin
  • Smooth the sagging
  • Remove dark eyelet in lower eyelids
  • Remove the droopy eyelids
  • Removing excessive skin in blepharoplasty

Removing excessive skin in upper eyelids, smoothes the skin and removes the sagging.

Removing high excessive skin in lower eyelids can lead to functional problems.

The patient may complain about the eyes dryness, sad appearance or inability in closing the eyes.

  • Removing excessive fat in blepharoplasty

Removing the excessive fat is acceptable in lower eyelids, with existence of baggy eyes. High removing makes the appearance, unappealing.

During the surgery, excessive fat of lower eyelids is transferred to remove the distance between lower eyelids and cheek.

Removing the fat in upper eyelids can lead to a bony appearance. Losing the fat is the most important factor in upper eyelids aging, so the blepharoplasty should not change the appearance.

  • Cutting/ incisions in blepharoplasty

The incisions will be recovered. And usually are not visible. The eyelids have the thinnest skin. In addition, the incisions create in the areas which can hide.

Incision/ cutting the upper eyelids blepharoplasty

  • Placing in natural crease
  • When the eyes are open, this area is not seen
  • The incisions are not visible when the eyes are closed

Cutting the lower eyelids blepharoplasty

  • Under the eyelash: this incisions can improve soon, and can cover with makeup
  • Inside the lower eyelid: this incisions create in conjunctiva, so there’s no external lesion. In this procedure, the skin is not removed.

The best candidates are everyone who have aging symptoms in upper or lower eyelids. Dr. Nadafkermani ensures that, you are the suitable candidate of surgery during the consultation. The patient should be healthy and avoid smoking 2 weeks before the surgery.

The patient should inform his doctor some problems such as eye dryness or thyroid, because these problems can affect on the result of surgery.

After the surgery

The patient should visit the doctor, one week after the surgery. Some patients can back their work after 3- 7 days. Dr. Nadaf allows the patients to do light exercise 1-2 week after the surgery, and do heavy exercise 4-6 week after the surgery.

Such as other surgeries, blepharoplasty has its own risks and complications. Dr. Nadaf explains these risks during the consultation.

Recovery after the surgery

The patient should rest at home and should avoid watching TV, studying or anything else that make pressure for eyes. To remove swelling or bruise, it’s better for patient to use many pillows to put the head up. The pain is so low. At the first day, the eyes are sensitive to sunshine, and so Dr. Nadafkermani recommends some drugs to remove the problem.


Blepharoplasty includes surgery to repair sagging eyelids.

Many people express satisfaction with the results of blepharoplasty, such as youthful appearance and more self-confidence.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani:

Phone number: 22134934- 22134997

Instagram: drnadafkermani

Telegram: drnadaf