bony nose surgery
One of the most important procedure on bony nose surgery, is removing hump and prominence of the nose. This surgery can change form of the nose into the best form and it becomes more beautiful and attractive.
Due to having more bone and cartilage, this type of nose affects on your facial appearance. Bony noses occurs due to genetics, or other factors such as, damages, bad accidents or fights. In some cases, damages and injuries of the nose, doesn’t appear until aging.
Structure of bony nose
If you divide the nose into the 3 parts, one third of upper part is bony and two third of lower part is cartilaginous, but in bony nose, these measures are more. Some features of this nose are as follows:
- Strong bone and cartilage
- Patients have hump and deviation
- Thin skin and small alas
- Tiny and long appearance
Bony nose surgery procedure
Bony nose surgery reduces prominence and hump of the nose. Result of this surgery is better than fleshy nose surgery. Those patients who have thin skin and strong cartilage, better and desired changes can be done during surgery.
In bony nose surgery, incisions are created on the skin to do procedures on septum of the nose. Bone and cartilage are removed in this surgery, length and width of the nose, and harmony of the nostrils with other part of the face, are preserved in this surgery.
In bony nose surgery, surgeons remove hump and prominence by using special tools and then create incisions. This surgery need accuracy.
Choosing the best and knowledgeable surgeon, is one of the most important factor in a successful cosmetic nose surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Nadafkermani, performs bony nose surgery in the best way.
Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:
Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821- 22134934
Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821-26459573