lower body lift
Lower body lift
Due to sever weight loos, your lower body skin becomes sag and loose, so patients seek to perform lower body lift to improve appearance of your abdomen, thighs and hips.
Lower body lift and surgery is done to formation and removing sagging skin of the abdomen, back of thighs, outer and inner thighs and hips. This procedure is suitable for those patients who are near ideal weight.
How does lower body lift works?
This procedure involves combination of many cosmetic surgeries:
- Abdominoplasty: to strengthen skin of abdomen, remove striae
- Genital area lift:to reduce size of genital area, removing sagging and reduce thickness of the genital
- Outer thigh lift: to lift loose muscles of outer thigh
- Hip lift: to lift and improve sagging skin of the hips
- Removing excess fat and skin of the back and sides to have a better formation
Who are good candidates of lower body lift?
Those patients who have performed surgery and now have sagging and loose skin are best candidates of surgery. This surgery improves your appearance and also helps to increasing self- steam.
Some patients have moderate weight loss but have sagging and loose skin on their lower body, this surgery will have successful results for them, even better than abdominoplasty results.
Patients should be in good and general health condition and have BMI under 35. If you have had overweight surgery, should wait for at least 6 months to reach a stable weight. Smoking should be avoided after and before surgery, because it disturbs scars recovery.
Most important consideration of lower body lift
- General consideration
This surgery lasts about 6 hours. During surgery, 4 tubes or derns are put inside incisions to discharge leakage of the scars. These derns remain on your body for 1 or 2 weeks and surgeons remove them after first ointment.
- Lower body lift is not a way to loose weight
This surgery is not a good substitution for diet or exercise. Weight loose after removing excess fat is less than 15 pounds or 3 kg. performing this surgery is not recommended to obese patients or those who don’t lose weight enough.
- Smoking should be avoided before surgery
Smoking directly affect on recovery process and scar recovery. Patients should avoid smoking 4 weeks before, during and after surgery, special during recovery time.
- Stay at hospital
Patients should stay at hospital 1 night. Those patients who have had severe loosing may need to stay at hospital for a long time.
- Incisions in lower body lift
Such as other surgeries, lower body lift also remains scars. Incisions are creates around genital, incisions are somehow similar to tummy tuck incisions, but on your back and above the hips. Skillful surgeons create incisions with less visibility.
Lower body lift recovery
Patients should rest at home to recover well. Doing some activities such stretching may be painful and irritating. It’s better for patients to bend their waist. First, there is a little pain but it will be faded. There is bruising and swelling around the incisions. Those patients who perform liposuction will have more swelling. Calmatives are prescribed to relieve and control pain.
Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:
Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821- 22134934
Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821-26459573