Mini Tummy Tuck
Mini tummy tuck
Mini tummy tuck also known as mini abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure than traditional abdominoplasty. People who performed this surgery, need more fat liposuction on their abdomen. Combination of both procedure, improves the appearance of the abdomen.
Mini tummy tuck is done to smooth and tighten the abdomen.
Mini tummy tuck procedure
Mini tummy tuck is done through 3 variables of excess skin, excess fat and unclenched muscles of the abdomen, and improves your abdomen appearance. So, mini tummy tuck procedure, consists of 3 stages:
- Total abdominal liposuction
- Tightening the unclenched muscles under the navel
- Removing excess skin of the abdomen
Who are the best candidates of tummy tuck?
Patients who have:
- Medium excess fat thickness on their abdomen
- Good skin elasticity
- Less excess skin on their abdomen
- Loose muscles under the abdomen
During consultation, Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, assesses all your questions and concerns about tummy tuck surgery. You should be healthy enough and avoid smoking 2 weeks before and after the surgery.
- Mini tummy tuck is a simple, with less recovery time and low cost than the tummy tuck. Those who are the best candidates of mini tummy tuck, will have the best results. But if a patient want to perform tummy tuck, never have the desired result or results such as mini tummy tuck surgery.
- Mini tummy tuck remains less scars, and so, less excess skin is removed during the surgery. The best candidates are those who have less and medium loose skin on their abdomen.
- Patients who have loose abdomen muscles can gain the best result, If they have loose skin under the abdomen. If patients have loose abdomen muscles above the hilum, surgeons recommend the patients to perform tummy tuck.
- Such as other surgeries, tummy tuck remains scars. Remaining scars and incisions depends on the surgeon’s skill.
- Location and length of the incisions are such as the incisions of caesarean section. If you have previous incisions, first, Dr. Nadaf removes the incisions and then creates the new incisions. If the surgeon, removes more excess skin, the length of the incisions becomes more, too.
Another incision creates around the hilum. Dr. Nadaf creates this incision to perform liposuction of abdomen excess fat.
Surgeons recommend patients to:
- Rest at home and drink more water and liquids.
- Avoid doing heavy activities and exercises.
- Take a bath, 24 hours after the surgery.
- Use prescribed drugs to reduce the pain.
Patients can return to their work and routine activities 5- 7 days after the mini tummy tuck surgery. Dr. Nadaf removes the sutures 1 week after the surgery. Next visits will be 6 weeks and 6 months after the surgery.
This surgery has less risks and complications and you can get the desired results as soon as possible.
Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:
Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821- 22134934
Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.
Tell: +9821-26459573