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Pre operative cares of rhinoplasty

Consultating with a knowledgeable and skilled plastic surgeon is one important steps of pre operative cares of rhinoplasty. Dr. Nadafkermani, first considers your nose from all aspects and angles, and then explains whether you are good candidate of nose surgery or not?
Patients should have real expectation about result of the surgery, because due to procedures during surgery, sometimes it is not possible to reach a desired result.
Here, we investigate some pre operative cares of rhinoplasty:
Before surgery, Dr. Nadaf examines you and your nose, and chooses the best procedure for you.
Way and time of using prescribed drugs, vitamins and suitable diet, will be represented. using some medication forbidden few weeks before surgery. For example, using antibiotics, aspirin and anti- inflammatory drugs should be stopped 2 weeks before surgery.
Smoking should be stopped 1 month before surgery, smoking and its nicotine disturbs recovery of the scars and incisions.
Any diseases such as cold, flu or heart disease should be reported.

pre operative cares of rhinoplasty

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


types of breast implants

Women seek to perform breast augmentation to have bigger and fuller breast. Here, we explain different types of breast augmentation.

1. Saline breast implants
Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water (saline). These implants don’t have normal form. Those who want to have very big and full breast, always seek these implants, because provide a uniform and firmness shape, and are FDA- approved for augmentation in women age 18 or older.
Saline implants are not suitable for those who are thin and have small breast. These implants are less costly than the silicone implants and need small incisions.

types of breast implants

2. Silicone implants
Silicone breast implants are filled with a plastic gel (silicone). Those who want to have normal size of the breast, seek these kinds of implant.
Silicone implants need large incisions and are FDA- approved for augmentation in women age 22 or older.
There are 2 types of silicone implants: round and tear drop form.
Both saline and silicone implants come in different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells. Each with their own pros and cons, but you should know real expectation and choose the best one.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


differences between lipomatic and abdominoplasty

Today, and due to lack of movement and activity, mostly suffer from obesity and overweighting. Despite examining various ways and diet, don’t reach their desired weight and result. Lipomatic is a new way of sculpturing and suitable for those who have local overweighting. This surgical procedure remove all fat and patients will have high satisfaction.
Sometimes, local fat are seen in areas such as arms, thigh, sides and hip, so you lose your body fitness and feel dissatisfied about their appearance.
To perform lipomatic, plastic surgeons create a hole in size of 2 to 5 mm, and conola tube entered into the fat cell through this hole. Then fat cells destroyed by vibration of this tube. No burn and dermal necrosis is seen in this surgical procedure.

Abdominoplasty is useful to remove fat of abdomen and sides. So those who have big and fallen abdomen, special after childbearing, and can not perform lipomatic, seek this surgical procedure.

differences between lipomatic and abdominoplasty
The main differences between lipomatic and abdominoplasty is that, lipomatic is useful for those who have local overweighting, and abdominoplasty is used for those who have falling and big abdomen.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573



Lipomatic, liposuction and abdominoplasty are the most common surgeries around the world, due to more attentions of people to their beauty and body. Most of the time and after doing heavy exercises and severe diet, when patients don’t reach their desired result, seek the surgical procedures.
Lipomatic, is a new surgical procedure to be thin. Advantages of surgery are as follows:
– Safe, effective and easy
– Shorter operative time
– Rapid recovery
– Minimal risks and complications

Important consideration before liposuction

– Those who perform liposuction, should not have high blood pressure
– The amount of glucose and diabetes should be controlled
– Risk of cardiovascular disease should be considered
– Patients should be healthy
– If you have performed abdominoplasty, inform your surgeon
– Any blood test is needed
– Pregnancy test should be done

Lipomatic procedure

Lipomatic is done under local anesthesia. Plastic surgeons create incisions in length of 2- 6 mm on selected area. Canola tube enters inside the fat tissues and destroyed them by rotational movement and its vibration. These movements enter no damages to patients vessels.
After surgery, patients feel their changes and weight loss, soon. Removed fat can be used to clean up or bulk of the parts such as, lips, cheeks and hands.

Lipomatic on abdomen
Exercise has fewer effect on abdomen and sides. Abdomen lipomatic removes the excess fat of this area. Most of the time, this surgery is done with sides lipomatic, simultaneously, to reach better result and beautiful body.

Possible risks of lipomatic

Such as other surgeries, lipomatic have risks and complications. Such as:
– Some patients may have little bruising or bleeding, which faded few days after surgery. This problem always seen in those who use aspirin before surgery. So, surgeons recommend to avoid using such drugs and medications 2 weeks before surgery.
– Sensitivity to lidocaine may cause itching or burning.
– There is less risk of infection.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


Breast lift

Breast lift

Overwighting, heavy activities or genetics, may results in breast ptosis. Breast lift or mastopexy, is a procedure which is done to treat the problems related to the sagging and breast ptosis. Breast lift, aims to shape the breasts.

The breast can enlarge and lift, simultaneously. In specific cases, breast lift and prosthesis are done to reach/ gain a better appearance. This is a difficult and skilled surgery.

Dr. Nadaf, has considerable experience in this field and can diagnose, which type of breast prosthesis is suitable for you.

Breast lift procedure

Breasts can be fallen due to aging, weight loss, pregnancy or lactation. These factors cause that, the breast losses its mass and becomes small. This situation is seen in aboved age or when the skin lost its flexibility.

In addition to lifting the breast, mastopexy has another benefits such as:

  • Rounding the shape of the breast
  • Lifting the nipple
  • Reducing size of areola

Doing breast lift with breast prosthesis can improve the problem. This combined surgery, aims to:

  • Fill the breast
  • Round the shape of breast
  • Lift the nipple of the breast and dark skin of around the nipple
  • Reduce size of areola


It should be consider that:

  • Breast prosthesis, can somewhat lift the breast, but can not treat/ remove the severe breast ptosis.
  • Some surgeons, use large prosthesis to remove the breast ptosis, instead of using the breast lift and prosthesis. This surgery has weak result and the patients are not satisfy.
  • Nadaf considers the amount of breast ptosis, and diagnoses that the breast prosthesis should done alone with breast lift.

The best candidate for performing breast lift and breast prosthesis, are those who:

  • Want to increase the breast size and lift them
  • Need breast prosthesis, but has severe breast ptosis and both procedure should be done
  • Have size changes due to performing overweight surgery or weight loss

These candidates should have the following conditions:

  • The patients should be health.
  • Stop smoking 2 weeks before the surgery
  • Pregnant women should wait 4-8 weeks after the lactation, the exact size should determine.
  • The patients should have reasonable expectation of the result.

This procedure depends on the level of breast ptosis. Low ptosis needs less incisions and vice versa.

Peri areolar are hidden along the areola, between the dark and bright skin

Direct/ vertical incision begins under the areola and prolongs up to the chest.

After the surgery

  • you should rest at home
  • avoid doing light activities such as studying or watching TV.
  • You may have pain 3-7 days after the surgery, so doctor prescribes drugs.
  • Breasts have swelling 1-3 weeks after the surgery.
  • You can back work 5-7 days after the surgery
  • You can do light activities 1-2 weeks later, and heavy activities 4-6 weeks after the surgery.

Dr. Nadaf visits you 1 week after the surgery to consider the scars and incisions.