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Cosmetic Surgery بایگانی - dr nadaf kermani

Category Archives: Cosmetic Surgery

Fast belly slimming

Many people today are faced with obesity. This article describes some of the methods for fasting belly fat, these methods are completely safe and can be used with very good results.

Laser lipolysis

This method is a non-invasive method approved by the American Food and Drug Administration, and its results can be quickly detected. In this method, fat is destroyed by laser and is extracted from the body as a liquid.

fast belly slimming

fast belly slimming


The best method for rapid lipoprotein loading is today, because there is no complication of this method, it is very popular, and many people want to use this method, it is necessary to take tests before taking the lipomatic and to take some medications. In addition to abdominal weight loss, it is possible to extract lipids from other areas of the body using lipomatic, which is why this method is known as local laxation. In this method, the canola tube is used to degrade fats. After the lipomatic, a special gene should be used for 1 to 2 months.


One of the methods that can be used for fast bowel movements is cryolipolysis, which uses fat freezing to eliminate excess fat in the abdomen. This method is suitable for people with low fat accumulated in their abdomen.


Another method used for fast abdominal fattening is abdominoplasty, which is more aggressive than other methods and is used for people with abdominal paws and hanging. Cutting is done by the surgeon in this method and after lifting the fat, the skin of the abdomen is lifted upwards.

laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is a method used by laser with optical fiber at various wavelengths and with the help of heat to degrade and melt fat tissues. An estimated two thousand people over the next three years were the result of the fact that patients lost their lipoproteins due to laser lipolysis and their skin was tightened. Meanwhile, these patients had no side effects.

Lipolysis or liposuction, which one is better?

The belief that liposuction causes skin sagging, due to fat loss, most people escape from it. In the last few years, when there was no lipolysis, people were using a liposuction technique, which was a quick and fast way, but it relaxed the skin as it was sometimes not compensated, but today people looking for a smooth, well-groomed body with a rigid skin They use the lipolysis method.

laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis safety and health regulations

Laser lipolysis is an outpatient treatment that is effective, fast and safe for fat loss, and to ensure that you choose this method, you should consult with your doctor and find out that laser lipolysis is best for you, either liposuction or both.

Frequently asked questions

Which options should I consider in choosing a patient for laser lipolysis?

  • Volume of fat
  • The condition of the patient’s skin
  • Stability of the abdominal wall
  • Reasonable and acceptable patient’s wishes

How to wear gon after laser lipolysis?

It prevents skin loosening and fluid accumulation.

Advantages of Laser Lipolysis

  • No need to be admitted
  • Smooth the skin
  • Tightening the skin with the help of collagen
  • Lowest amount of bleeding
  • Minimum Invasion
  • Very little time
  • Care after short treatment
  • Quick improvement and less time to go
  • Ability to repeat action if needed for larger areas
  • No serious side effects

Lipomatic & pregnancy

One of the most common question is that, is there possibility of pregnancy after lipomatic?

Does lipomatic affect on pregnancy?

Dr. Nadafkermani answers, lipomatic never affects on pregnancy.

Lipomatic, is one of the new approaches that is used today for slimming, which is not comparable to other methods. Lipomatic is performed under local anesthesia and does not require general anesthesia. Therefore, after any lipomatics, no anesthetic complications are observed. Another advantage of this method is that, no sagging and drooping is seen on the skin.

Lipomatic & pregnancy

pregnancy after lipomatic

Are lipoproteins and pregnancy conflicting?

One of the concerns of people who want to do lipomatic, is that they can not get pregnant in the future, if this concern is completely unnecessary and, as it was said, there is no disruption for pregnancy.

Some people assume that after emptying the abdominal fat, they lose their elasticity and become difficult during pregnancy, which is a misconception. It should be noted that the lipomatic has ability to lift the skin, which is why after which the skin does not fall down and does not hang, but this does not mean that the skin loses its elasticity.

The person who has done lipomatic, can easily be pregnant afterwards and there are no problems with pregnancy. In the lipomatic surgery, no long cutting is done on the skin, but through the cannula’s very fine fissure into the skin. However, it is recommended that women who intend to breastfeed do not hurry to the lipstick and do this after giving birth, because after the pregnancy, the skin becomes slightly dull and hangs.

best plastic surgeon in Iran

Contrary to the notion of individuals, cosmetic nose surgery and plastic surgery are not the same. A significant number of plastic surgeons focus their attention on cosmetic surgeries. Dr. Nadafkermani, best plastic surgeon in Iran says: The main goal of plastic surgery is to improve the appearance of the person and help the beauty of the face and limbs. This surgery can be performed in all parts of the body, including face, head and neck. Plastic surgeons also eliminate congenital defects and defects caused by accidents such as burns to the individual.

Types of plastic surgeries

  1. Breast surgery

This surgery is done with the aim of increasing or decreasing volume of the breast, including:

  1. Nose surgery (rhinoplasty, nose job)

Nose surgeries are one of the surgeries performed by the plastic surgeon. It can be said that, choosing the best nose surgeon, is first and the most important point to be considered before surgery. Surgeons with the necessary knowledge and expertise can best optimize your nose. To choose a nose surgeon, you need to see his portfolio and, if you want to go to his office, consult with him by setting up an appointment for nose surgery. The nose surgeon with your examination will determine your nose and will talk about your type of surgery and the outcome of your nose surgery.

  1. Facial rejuvenation

Chin augmentation, facelift, gel injection and Botox which improve appearance of the face or other parts of the body.

  1. Lipomatic

Lipomatic, is a topical method that utilizes this method to remove lipids that are accumulated in certain areas of the body using a special device equipped with the most advanced technology. The extracted fats are usable in other surgeries, such as fat-in-breast administration. Lipomatic types include:

  • Abdomen lipomatic
  • Arm lipomatic
  • Buttocks Lipomatic
  • Tight lipomatic
  1. Abdominoplasty

Sagging skin of the abdomen usually occurs after weight loss or childbirth. But when the fat causes a large abdominal swelling, abdominal surgery should be done to eliminate the fat and remove it so that it creates a gap in the abdomen. Under the abdomen, excess fat is removed from the abdomen. After the fat is removed, steps are taken to prevent the skin from slipping and loosening.

To choose the best plastic surgeon, consider following tips:

  • Surgeon should be enough expert and have related knowledge
  • Surgeon should provide enough information for you.
  • Surgeon should be honest, and tell you, are you the best candidate or not.

post op care of facelift

Facelift is a surgical procedure which is used to remove droopy skin, and is a stable procedure. Considering to severity of the drooping and sagging of the skin, various facelift procedures are used. In severe cases, classic lift is used, and slight sagging are removed by mini facelift.

To reach the best and desired result, patients should consider post op cares which described by plastic surgeon. Some of these cares are as follows:

  • Resting enough after surgery.
  • Walking slowly, which reduces swelling and blood clotting.
  • Avoid over activities, such as tense exercises or lifting heavy things.
  • Putting head up to reduce swelling.
  • Use prescribed drugs and medications to prevent infection.
  • Have a proper diet. Eat more liquid food and try not to eat chewy food.
  • Eat pineapple, which is a good fruit for reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Avoid to use drugs such as aspirin or other drugs.
  • Avoid smoking for at least 4 weeks after surgery.
  • Keep the wound clean.
  • Take a bath 48 hours after surgery.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight.
  • Make up, 7 days after surgery.

post op care of facelift

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


facelift candidates

The aim of this article is to consider, who are facelift candidates?

Due to aging, 2 main materials of collagen and elastin will be decreased in the skin and results in sagging skin. In fact, sagging and creases are signs of aging and person seems moody and reduces beauty and attraction.

Due to loosing elastin and collagen, skin also loses its flexibility, then lines and creases will be appeared and skin is sagged. All these mentioned can be removed by facelift surgery. In this surgery, incisions are created to lift the skin and creases and lines is disappeared.

The method which is used depends on rate of the sagging. Slight sagging, need no incisions and surgeons use thread to lift the skin. Those who seek this surgery, should consider weather they are good candidates or not.

In general, good candidates for a facelift include:

  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that impair healing
  • Nonsmokers
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations

facelift candidatesThe best facelift candidates have realistic expectations and are willing and able to follow the pre- and post-operative instructions provided by their plastic surgeons. After a one-on-one consultation, the doctor can advise a patient as to whether he or she is a good candidate for a facelift, or whether an alternate procedure might be preferable.

Factors such as skin elasticity, strong bone structure, realistic expectations, good overall health are the most important factors in this surgery.

Before surgery, doing some tests is necessary. After that, surgeon can determine good facelift candidates.

Patients should be enough healthy, and have no special problem or disease.

Those who are between 40 to 60, and suffer from sagging are best candidates, if having no special problem and are healthy. Sagging seems your appearance tired, so, both men and women wan to remove their problem and be more youthful and attractive.

Keep in mind that, you should have real expectation from result of the surgery.

breast lift: frequently asked questions

If you are candidates of breast lift surgery, it’s common to face with various questions. Here we consider breast lift: frequently asked questions.

  1. What is breast lift or mastopexy?

Various factors such as pregnancy, lactation, gravity or weight changes affect on the breast and can result in its sagging or droopy, and then breast loses its primary and soft form. By removing excess skin, breast is lifted up and helps breast formation. Breast lift also reduces size of the breast.

  1. Which tissues are considered during consultation?

During consultation, tissues such as your health, lifestyle and your aim of performing this surgery is addressed. Some questions are very personal. But answering all of them is necessary to reach the best conclusion.

Following tissues will be considered:

  • Your medical history
  • Any family breast cancer background
  • Use of alcohol, complementary or any medication
  • Your expectations

Your surgeon also do photography and physical examinations.

  1. Does breast lift change size of the breast?

No. breast lift doesn’t change size of your breast. This surgery only changes position of your breast. Your breast may be seem smaller than their previous size. If you want to change size of your breast, don’t seek breast lift surgery.

  1. What are post op care of breast lift?

Some post op cares are as follows:

  • Medical evaluation and tests
  • Mammography
  • Stop smoking
  1. What are risks of breast lift surgery?

Such as other surgeries, breast lift has its own risks, such as:

  • Scar
  • Bleeding
  • Temporary or continual sensation of the breast
  • Asymmetry of the breast
  • Temporary pain
  • Blood clotting

breast lift frequently asked questions

  1. How breast lift is done?

Breast lift is done by creating incisions specially around the nipples. Surgeons lift the breast up and change position of the breast. They finally, remove excess skin. Nipples are never removed during surgery.

This surgery depends on some factors:

  • Size and shape of the breast and nipple
  • Elasticity of the breast
  • Amount of excess skin
  • Degree of droopy breast
  1. Can I get pregnant after breast lift?

This surgery doesn’t change function of the breast, and you can have childbirth with minimal risks and complications. However, it’s better to get pregnant and then seek this surgery, because weight gaining can affect on benefits of breast lift surgery.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


benefits of lipomatic

Obesity and over weighting, is a major problem all around the world. Bad and unhealthy diet, consuming fatty foods, and less activity are factors that increase risk of over weighting.

It’s better for obese people, to consider a healthy and principle diet, first, and have more activity and exercises. If they don’t reach their desired result, can seek to perform surgical procedures and lipomatic surgery.

Today, and for local slimming, surgical procedures are more popular than non- surgical procedures, and most patients are good candidates of such surgeries. To destroy and remove fat tissues, various methods and devices has been designed.

Due too high benefits of lipomatic, this surgery has become popular among patients. This is a safe procedure and removes fat with less damages to the tissues and patients experience a short recovery time.

benefits of lipomatic

Excess fats disturbs body fitness, but don’t worry, lipomatic is an effective procedure with no risk and embolism. In this surgery, excess fats are removed by vibration and rapid movement of a tiny tube (canola). To create this movement and vibration, an air pressure is used, so, no damages enter to surrounding tissues with no burns.

Lipomatic devices has a security system, if canola interferes with a non-fat tissue, it will be stopped. So that, lipomatic is one of the most effective procedures in local slimming.

Due to accuracy and lack tissue damages, extracted fat are used in bulking or prominent of other parts of the body.

Some patients may experience little bruising or swelling, which occurs so rare. There is no need of hospitalization in this surgery.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573


lipomatic: frequently asked questions

Lipomatic, is one a safe and effective procedure in removing excess fat. Today, more men and women care about their appearance and seek this surgical procedure.
In this surgery, local anesthesia is used, and surgeons create small and tiny incisions, and then enter a tiny tube which is called canola, into the fat tissues and finally, excess fat extracted by rapid and vibratory movement of this tube.
Here, we consider some lipomatic frequently asked questions:

1. Which fat can be removed with the help of lipomatic?
Excess fat of sides, abdomen, arms, hips and jowl removed by lipomatic.

2. How much does it have durability?
Lipomatic is an effective surgical procedure. Its durability depends on the patients. Patients should have a good and healthy diet, increase their activity and spend their time to do more exercises.

3. How much weight can I lose?
Generally, lipomatic changes size of the body.

4. Is it necessary to use a corset after surgery?
Yes. Due to creating enough space between skin and muscle, using a corset helps in removing this space.

5. How long should I use a supportive corset?
This time varies in each patients. If you don’t want to use this corset, inform your surgeon.

lipomatic questionsContact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573



Lipomatic, liposuction and abdominoplasty are the most common surgeries around the world, due to more attentions of people to their beauty and body. Most of the time and after doing heavy exercises and severe diet, when patients don’t reach their desired result, seek the surgical procedures.
Lipomatic, is a new surgical procedure to be thin. Advantages of surgery are as follows:
– Safe, effective and easy
– Shorter operative time
– Rapid recovery
– Minimal risks and complications

Important consideration before liposuction

– Those who perform liposuction, should not have high blood pressure
– The amount of glucose and diabetes should be controlled
– Risk of cardiovascular disease should be considered
– Patients should be healthy
– If you have performed abdominoplasty, inform your surgeon
– Any blood test is needed
– Pregnancy test should be done

Lipomatic procedure

Lipomatic is done under local anesthesia. Plastic surgeons create incisions in length of 2- 6 mm on selected area. Canola tube enters inside the fat tissues and destroyed them by rotational movement and its vibration. These movements enter no damages to patients vessels.
After surgery, patients feel their changes and weight loss, soon. Removed fat can be used to clean up or bulk of the parts such as, lips, cheeks and hands.

Lipomatic on abdomen
Exercise has fewer effect on abdomen and sides. Abdomen lipomatic removes the excess fat of this area. Most of the time, this surgery is done with sides lipomatic, simultaneously, to reach better result and beautiful body.

Possible risks of lipomatic

Such as other surgeries, lipomatic have risks and complications. Such as:
– Some patients may have little bruising or bleeding, which faded few days after surgery. This problem always seen in those who use aspirin before surgery. So, surgeons recommend to avoid using such drugs and medications 2 weeks before surgery.
– Sensitivity to lidocaine may cause itching or burning.
– There is less risk of infection.

Contact Dr. Majid Nadafkermani, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon:

Address 1: Unit 10. Floor 2. Kaj Building. No 1. 9th st. Above Kaj sq. Saadat Abad. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821- 22134934


Address 2: Unit 7. Floor 3. Tiam Building. No 18. Next to Hosseini ave. Andarzgoo blvd. Farmanieh. Tehran. Iran.

Tell: +9821-26459573
